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True Treats Candy

Lemon Crystals

Lemon Crystals

Regular price $13.47 USD
Regular price Sale price $13.47 USD
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All sorts of dried lemons played a part in American foods, but none so festive as the crystals used to make lemonade for those on-the-go. In fact, the ingredients in this lemon mix where recommended in one of the many thick and informative books written by Dr. Alvin Wood Chase in the mid-late 1800s. After discussing the ingredients, he described the result this way in a publication of 1864:

A rounding tablespoon can be done up in a paper and carried conveniently in the pocket when persons are going into out-of-the-way places, and added to half pint of cold water when all the beauties of lemonade will stand before you waiting to be drank, not costing a penny a glass. This can be made sweeter, or more sour, if desired.

Try yours with one of the other 1800s favorites – raspberries, with syrup, maple syrup, pineapple or grape juice. So good and, if you trust Dr. Chase (and who wouldn’t?) and others at the time, a curative for many ailments including colds, upset stomach, and Yellow Fever. (Lemon image: M.E. Flore Descourtilz, 1827)

9 oz Jar- Comes with a label with an historic image on the front and the story on the back!

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The Sweet Journey Through Time Starts Here!

True Treats is the only historically accurate candy store in the world, bringing the past to life through researched sweets, teas, syrups, and more. Every product is rooted in history, telling the story of how people from all walks of life enjoyed treats through time. Leading this effort is Susan, a nationally recognized candy historian, researcher, and author who appears regularly on TV, radio, and in major publications. With over 40 years of experience, she has written ten books and founded True Treats to share the fascinating history of candy in a fun and delicious way. Susan’s work uncovers the surprising origins of America’s favorite sweets, from ancient uses of sugar to the candies of the 1900s. Through True Treats, Susan makes history an interactive experience, allowing customers to taste the past while learning the stories behind every bite.