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Licorice: An International Sensation

Licorice: An International Sensation

Licorice is an amiable plant that prefers sun but can handle shade and dies back in the fall so it’s...

Secret Revolutionary War Food Facts

Amazing but true about the role of sugars and sweets in the Revolutionary War.  Sugars and Sweets played a critical...
Sugars and Sweets of the Civil War

Sugars and Sweets of the Civil War

Civil War soldiers did eat sugars and sweets - for many, they proved a vital part of their survival. Some...
The Secret Hiding of Place 20th Century Sweets

The Secret Hiding of Place 20th Century Sweets

The secret hiding place of 20th century candy may be of no surprise to anyone who grow up in the...
Who Invented Retro Candy?

Who Invented Retro Candy?

In the early 1800s, American confections were for the wealthy few, made by exclusive confectioners, maids, and chefs, hired or...

Did You Know? Candy’s Surprising Journey Through the 1700s

Who knew candy was around in the 1700s? In not the candies we know today, their distinctly well-connected ancestors. Here...
The Great Pop Rocks Scandal

The Great Pop Rocks Scandal

The Pop Rocks scandal started when someone somewhere decided that Pop Rocks would explode in your stomach if consumed with...
Cotton Candy – The Sticky Story of Fun!

Cotton Candy – The Sticky Story of Fun!

Shocking but true! Cotton candy is now a medical marvel, that will lengthen our lives! How so? Read on for...
The Secret Life of Candy Corn – the Most Controversial Candy Around

The Secret Life of Candy Corn – the Most Controversial Candy Around

People love candy corn. And they hate it. They love and hate candy corn so much, it ranks as one...
The Secret Story of Milk Chocolate

The Secret Story of Milk Chocolate

From: Susan’s Award-Winning Book “Sweet as Sin”  The story of milk chocolate started in Switzerland with Daniel Peter, who fell...
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