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3 Roots used in Appalachia

3 Roots used in Appalachia

3 Roots used in Appalachia Roots have been used in Appalachia and throughout North America for centuries. Newcomers blended well...
Marshmallow Root: The Ultimate Tea

Marshmallow Root: The Ultimate Tea

What does marshmallow root tea taste like? A sweet, woody flavor, the marshmallow root tea makes an interesting blend and...
The Story of Candy Cigarettes:  Loved, Loathed, and Lots of Fun

The Story of Candy Cigarettes:  Loved, Loathed, and Lots of Fun

The History of Candy Cigarettes: Loved, Loathed, and Lots of Fun Americans have been enjoying candy cigarettes since the late...
The LA Guide to Candy for Grandmothers and Mothers Everywhere

The LA Guide to Candy for Grandmothers and Mothers Everywhere

The LA Guide to Candy for Grandmothers and Mothers Everywhere I just returned from a fabulous trip to Los Angeles...
Candy: Taking the Guilt Out of Good

Candy: Taking the Guilt Out of Good

Candy... It's More Important Than You Think! To truly appreciate the importance – yes, importance – of candy, we have...
What's Mom's Favorite Old Time Candy? We Asked - Answered!

What's Mom's Favorite Old Time Candy? We Asked - Answered!

So, What Candies Do Mothers Really Want For Mother's Day? A good question seeing that just about all of us...
The Remarkable Story of Mother's Day

The Remarkable Story of Mother's Day

Mother's Day – most certainly not the commercial Hallmark event most people think. It’s about history, controversy, war and peace...
Buy Pixy Stix, Harpers Ferry West Virginia, true treats historic candy,

Redefining Retro

What is Retro Anyway? These days, we’ve been thinking a lot about retro candy. The reason is pretty simple –...
Buy All The Candies of Grandma's Purse, Retro Hard Candies

All The Candies of Grandma's Purse

Last week, we asked our Facebook friends about the candies their grandmothers kept in their purses. The response was amazing!...
Easter Candy You May Have Missed

Easter Candy You May Have Missed

Easter Candy You May Have Missed This Easter, why not discover the Easter candies you may have missed. They taste...
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