Gift giving can be an angst-provoking event. So many decisions. So many choices. But what do people really want? Since so many of our customers buy gifts from True Treats, I decided to research the matter – we are research-based, after all. What I found was surprising, in part, because it wasn’t surprising. My sources ranged from professional gift-giving companies to Ph.D.’s weighing in on platforms such as Psychology Today. So, here are the top five best recommendations from gift-giving experts.

Top 5 Recommendations from Gift-Giving Experts

The Gift of Experience

  1. Experience. Without a doubt, people enjoy gifts that give them an experience, something engaging and memorable. That experience can be an outing, of course. But it can also be interactive – a present they open and can immediately use. We recommend experiences that engage as many senses as possible – taste, sight, sound, touch…plus engages the mind, whether they learn something new or reawaken memories. All True Treats’ products are made for a full-experience from the cards that tell the story to the images on the labels that match the time period inside.

Thoughtfulness Counts in Gift Giving

  1. Thoughtfulness. With all due respect to re-gifting (a truly bad idea when it comes to food!) thoughtfulness counts. It shows that you care about the person is a meaningful way, and that the gift, even a professional gift, has an element of caring and love. With candy, teas, and other foods, the most thoughtful gift is one that taps into the recipient's interests and values. For elderly people, a gift of old-time penny candy or hard-to-find flavors from their past, such as horehound or sarsaparilla, might be perfect. For the history buff, a gift from their time period of interest would be amazing, as it creates a uniquely visceral experience of history.

Evaluate Personality Type in Gift Giving

  1. A match to their personality type. One size definitely does not fit all. But often we forget to look at the personality of the person involved. Are they hands-on, ever exciting about doing things? Or are they introverts, eager to hunker down for a good think? In matching the gift to the nature of the person, you’ll express true generosity intended just for them. Our recommendations: for the adventurous, try some of our do-it-yourself kits, such as our Small Beer-Making Kit. For the introvert, how about giving one of our old-time cookbooks with a selection of sweets?

Quality of Gifts Matter

  1. Quality. The quality of a product can be a measure of respect. Quality does not mean expensive – by the way! It means getting the best of whatever you give – the best wrapped, the best presented, the best materials…and so on. True Treats gift boxes can range from $14.00 - $60.00 and range from candies, rich with sugar, to healthy, all-natural and naturally sugar free. Regardless, the quality is always the best, from the stories on our cards to the products within the rapper.

Know when the gift should be a Suprise and when it should NOT

  1. A surprise (Or not). Most researchers indicate that people love surprises. Of course, the fit needs to be a happy one. Gag gifts, while well-intended, are the least appreciated gifts while positive, up-beat and focused surprises are the best. Make sure the surprise isn’t something they’re likely to buy themselves – the idea of gifts is akin to spoiling someone, giving something over the top of the usual into pure enjoyment and, even, fun. The “or not” part? One writer said it’s better to ask what people want. But you might end up gift-wrapping boxes of socks. And really, what kind of a gift is that? Looking for something unexpected? As True Treats is the only research-based historic candy and snacks company, you’re bound to find something old that’s entirely new!
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