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True Treats Candy

Valentine's Day Strawberry Sugar

Valentine's Day Strawberry Sugar

Regular price $14.00 USD
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Sweet and simple, the perfect combination of strawberries, wild, tart and tiny, and cane sugar, roots spreading from Southeast Asia to the Mideast and Caribbean. For the romantically inclined, this sugar is perfect on the rim of a Margherita or atop a luscious sweet. Yet the versatile strawberry sugar  Perfect for hot cereal, toast, beverages such as smoothies. In a 5.5 ounce jar with a keepsake label with an historic image and the story on the back. Made from pure cane sugar and strawberries. Truly sweet and simple.

What makes strawberries so divine?

Strawberries are more than a tasty summer treat: they’re rich and remarkable, and ripe with secrets.

Strawberry: Did You Know? Did you know that strawberries are the only fruit with seeds on the skin making it a symbol of women’s sexuality, passion and love.

Strawberries and Love

More than any other fruit, strawberries are entwined with love and romance and why wouldn’t they be. The fruit, now relegated to cereal bowls and a topping on shortcake, has been entwined with love and romance. With its bright red hue and heart-like shape, strawberries symbolized passion and sensuality. They were a symbol of the goddess Venus. And they were served at wedding feasts during the Renaissance to promote love and fertility.  

Chocolate & Strawberry: Did You Know? Strawberries were a symbol of women’s love and passion. They pair well with chocolate – with its long history of provide virility and power to men.

The Other Side of Strawberries

Almost every sensual food has an alter-ego and strawberries are no exception. In medieval Europe, strawberries represented perfection and righteousness. In fact, they were associated with the Virgin Mary, their white flowers symbolizing her purity, the red fruit reflecting her divine love. For Victorians, strawberries symbolized modesty and sweetness.

One Thing’s for Sure…

During the 16th century, strawberries were believed to purify the blood and combat melancholy. Today, experts agree strawberries are rich in vitamin C, antioxidants, and essential nutrients. Many believe strawberries support digestion, cleanse the liver, and promote healthy skin.

And… strawberries make you happy. That’s because they taste good, have spectacular mouthfeel and are so amiable the do well in cakes, pies, dipped in cream, plunged int chocolate and united with sugar.












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The Sweet Journey Through Time Starts Here!

True Treats is the only historically accurate candy store in the world, bringing the past to life through researched sweets, teas, syrups, and more. Every product is rooted in history, telling the story of how people from all walks of life enjoyed treats through time. Leading this effort is Susan, a nationally recognized candy historian, researcher, and author who appears regularly on TV, radio, and in major publications. With over 40 years of experience, she has written ten books and founded True Treats to share the fascinating history of candy in a fun and delicious way. Susan’s work uncovers the surprising origins of America’s favorite sweets, from ancient uses of sugar to the candies of the 1900s. Through True Treats, Susan makes history an interactive experience, allowing customers to taste the past while learning the stories behind every bite.

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