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True Treats Candy

Mary Janes

Mary Janes

Regular price $3.89 USD
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The year was 1914 when Charles Miller created the delicious Mary Jane in the basement of his home. The kitchen was once his father’s candy kitchen but earlier, a more famous resident resided there: Paul Revere. Mary Jane, now well-over 100, still wears the same dress and shoes and bares a startling resemblance to the Mary Jane of the Buster Brown cartoon, popular at the time. The resemblance is so clear Buster Brown creator Richard Outcault sued Miller for copyright infringement, but lost. The toffee left the market recently – when the NECCO company went under – but is back with a different size and shape, but still the candy you remember. We’re glad she’s back. We missed her. Comes in a 4oz bag with the story on the label.


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The Sweet Journey Through Time Starts Here!

True Treats is the only historically accurate candy store in the world, bringing the past to life through researched sweets, teas, syrups, and more. Every product is rooted in history, telling the story of how people from all walks of life enjoyed treats through time. Leading this effort is Susan, a nationally recognized candy historian, researcher, and author who appears regularly on TV, radio, and in major publications. With over 40 years of experience, she has written ten books and founded True Treats to share the fascinating history of candy in a fun and delicious way. Susan’s work uncovers the surprising origins of America’s favorite sweets, from ancient uses of sugar to the candies of the 1900s. Through True Treats, Susan makes history an interactive experience, allowing customers to taste the past while learning the stories behind every bite.